Ways we can slow down and take notice of the New Year.

From Black woman to Black woman, we know we take on a lot. If the last two years taught us anything, it's the importance of our health and our well-being. Between our full-time roles as wife, mother, daughter, and beyond, we must address our current state of being and set intentions.

As we look into the New Year, we’re asking ourselves 9 questions to ensure we leave 2021 with more inner peace.

Black Women: Beyond Strong

Black women are hailed as the strong, supportive type—which is true—but that’s not all we are. We are also humans who deserve peace, play, and rest! (These are also characteristics of strength!) Now is a great time for us to take notice and check in.

How does my breath feel at this very moment?

It’s important that we take notice of our surroundings and ourselves. By turning inward, we can understand how we feel, and note how to use our breath to calm ourselves.

When’s the last time I did something solely for myself?

We deserve me-time too! It’s important that we fill our cups up—first. The holidays can be stressful, so whether it’s 20 minutes of reading or 5 minutes of being in a horizontal position (lying down!), the time we take for ourselves matters.

Am I saying “no” when necessary?

Somehow, this word has gotten a bad reputation. Setting boundaries is a beautiful thing. This can be an opportunity to carve out some of that me-time by prioritizing what’s necessary. That way, we don’t spread ourselves too thin.

A Black woman with hair in a wrap looking out confidently

We Deserve Rest—and Then Some

Beginning to listen to ourselves can be overwhelming, especially if we’re used to putting the needs of others before our own. This is when it’s imperative to keep turning back to the authentic wisdom we’ve cultivated. It is our best (and sometimes only!) guide into new, exciting territories.

Do I feel like my battery is consistently charged?

Green light, red light, no light! Depending on our personality, work style, and overall mood, our battery can drain quite quickly. Throw in the end of the year madness, and our battery may feel depleted—and then some. In order to feel creative, we need rest to recharge our battery and reclaim space before re-entering the world.

Have I found a ritual that helps me find balance?

This can be a little tricky, but rest assured we all have some sort of ritual. Do you have a certain beverage you consume every day? Is there a certain time you head to bed? These are all forms of ritual. Focusing on consistency can be a great way to get out of our heads and into the present moment.

What does recharge look, feel, sound, smell, and taste like—to me?

This is our time to individually shine, ladies! Recharging is subjective. What works for some of us may be the exact opposite for others. Tap into your senses and see where you land. (This is also a great exercise for centering.)

A Black woman looking out with confidence

New Year + Rested You = Living Our Best Lives

Our rule of thumb is that consistency breeds improvement. Similar to a New Year's mantra, resolution, or wish, we must continue putting energy into what we want to receive in order to see it.

What kind of support do I need in my life in the New Year?

We’ve made it to the end of the year, so this is a great time to call our friends, family, and loved ones to receive all the love and support coming our way. We all need support—physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Our piece of advice? Ask for what you want.

When’s the last time I congratulated myself for something I accomplished?

Alright, let’s keep it real. This does not happen nearly enough. Hypothetically, after an accomplishment, we’d hype ourselves up for whatever task lies ahead. We recommend creating a gratitude jar where we can gather all our smaller wins into one place. Now, on the days when we’re not feeling our best, there’s something to refer back to as a reminder of all that we’ve accomplished.

A Black woman with natural hair smiling

How do I find ways to feel my best?

It’s important to come back to positivity no matter the situation—holidays, health, change, to name a few! Mindfully choose what to engage in, choose environments with positivity, consume nutritious foods and stay active, and reconnect to what lights the soul up.

Sending everyone a well-rested holiday season, and intentional days that breed a healthier, happier, less stressful life. Cheers!