More content + more protective styles for you.

We’ll get straight to the point: As Black women, there are many ways to wear our hair, because there’s no one way to express ourselves. We wanted to create content that was unique to our audience and their point of view. Our first protective styles blog was a call to that: hair-related information compiled in one succinct place, making searching for the next hairstyle relatable and engaging.

With endless amounts of information on the topic, we decided to return with more content. That means more protective styles, tips, and tricks to help decide what your hair goals are throughout the warmest months of the year. Welcome (back) to our Protective Styles Quiz-2.0

Find the best protective style

Your strands are equally important to your overall self-care. Whether you’re rocking protective styles for necessity or nostalgia, we hope this quiz left you feeling inspired to try a new look during the warmer temperatures of the year.

Happy summer season, and thanks for taking care of you. Continue tagging us on Instagram with #MBIBAndProtected to show off those strands—like the queen you are!